Title: "Birds" |
"Birds" is a public art kinetic wind sculpture that was built for the City of Broomfield, Colorado. Installed at Interlocken Park, a lush band of green that weaves it's way through a simi-industrial area, this sculpture is a metaphor for the area's blending of the natural and man-made worlds, a sort of amalgamation. Structurally, the seven "birds" are made of mild steel and stainless steel and are mounted horizontally on tall steel poles. All of the mild steel parts are powder coated. Internal bearings insure that the "birds" point into the wind. An unusual design requirement was that this sculpture be able to withstand winds that exceed 90 MPH. To ensure that they would meet that requirement a test "bird" was mounted in a truck and driven down a remote Nevada highway at high speeds (see the Youtube video of that test). |