Title: "Flyers"

14' high (tallest flyer)

Year: 2014

Westcrest Park, West Seattle, WA

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Commissioned by the City of Seattle for Westcrest Park, Flyers is a collection of 15 kinetic wind sculptures that celebrate the areas rich aviation past and present. To quote the plaque placed in the park: "Flyers is a celebration of flight and pays tribute to Seattle’s aviation heritage. The artwork is inspired by daily air traffic of airplanes passing over West Seattle from SeaTac International Airport and Boeing Field, and birds from Westcrest Park’s proximity to the West Duwamish Greenbelt. The three groupings of sculptures are a blending of bird and airplane forms." The flyers are made of steal and stainless steel and weathervane into the wind. One of the groupings has movable tails giving that grouping a random kinetic element.